Learn about postsecondary education
options in Illinois.

check it out!

Institutional Profiles

where could i study?

Learn about:

Colleges and universities
Degree types
Affordability information

Explore Institutional Profiles

Occupational Profiles

what could i do?

Learn about:

Career pathways and related majors
Employment and salary information
Education requirements

Explore Occupational Profiles

Equity Profiles

what about equity?

Learn about:

Who attends
Who succeeds
Diversity at institutions

Explore Equity Profiles

Student Resources

have you started?

Learn about:

Apply to College
Build Your Support Team
Financial Aid

Explore Making It Happen

State Profiles

what's happening statewide?

Learn about:

Statewide Enrollment
Statewide Completions

Explore the State Profile

Illinois Postsecondary Profiles bring together and serve up credible and understandable K-20 data across three state agencies.

Discover the Data by Region

Explore the connection between our educational systems, the people pursuing dreams within them, and the occupational interests those people pursue on the path to joining our workforce and state economy.

ICCB Regional Profiles

Partners & Engagement

Illinois Postsecondary Profiles are a project of Illinois state agencies, initiated by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Community College Board.

Illinois Postsecondary Profiles will grow over time. The project is shaped by feedback received from statewide user engagement sessions with high school personnel, community college and university students and personnel, and business and non-profit community representatives.

Northern Illinois University is the managing and implementation partner.